How do you determine when it's more appropriate to replace a component or system rather than repair it?

Generally speaking, if replacing a broken device costs more than twice as much as repairing it, go for the repair option. Once you've decided if it's appropriate to repair or replace the broken equipment, the next step is to contact a reliable contractor who can advise you on the best options.

How do you determine when it's more appropriate to replace a component or system rather than repair it?

Generally speaking, if replacing a broken device costs more than twice as much as repairing it, go for the repair option. Once you've decided if it's appropriate to repair or replace the broken equipment, the next step is to contact a reliable contractor who can advise you on the best options. Check out our What's Broken and What's Not lists to see the most temperamental types of products and, in our repair history surveys, the most and least reliable brands of each. Then use the Repair or Replace data graphic to decide if a repair is worthwhile, questionable, or a bad idea.

The chart also gives you an idea of how much a new product costs. A rebuild includes changing all of the major components and most of the secondary components of the machine. Calibration and configuration settings are also made where appropriate. The final product is a newly renovated version of your machine that will work and function as if it were new.

In fact, they were more likely that the repairs would have been done incorrectly the first time and to have waited at least two weeks for the repairs to take place than people who didn't have those contracts. Now, while you can repair your unit, just like spending money continuously to repair an old car, it may be best to buy a new one at some point. If you have an air conditioning system that is eight years old or older, it may not be worth repairing it, unless the repair is easy, such as a worn fan belt or a clogged condenser. People who went to independent repair shops were more satisfied with the repairs than those who used the factory service, which is consistent with what we've discovered before.

For an accurate calculation, repair costs should include labor costs, as well as the cost of parts for repair.

Lionel Hank
Lionel Hank

Subtly charming music lover. Typical web guru. Freelance travelaholic. Evil tv expert. Lifelong coffee nerd. Wannabe bacon junkie.